
Rhinos Under Attack in Southern Africa

Mon, 13 December 2021

In the last week devastating news has emerged from South Africa as at least 23 rhino have been found poached in just 36 hours. Helping Rhinos CEO, Simon Jones, shares his thoughts on the horrific events.

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12 Gifts of Christmas from Helping Rhinos

Wed, 03 November 2021

Whether you’re shopping for a rhino warrior, wildlife lover or eco-friendly buddy, it’s holiday gifting season. We know how difficult it can be at this time of the year to find those meaningful presents but don’t worry, we have some great choices for you in our online shop that also benefit rhino conservation projects. Why not treat yourself at the same time?

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Global Gala for Rhinos

Sat, 23 October 2021

Once again, Helping Rhinos and Ol Pejeta Conservancy are teaming up to bring you an awe-inspiring evening of entertainment and enlightenment. Rhino focussed of course, we look forward to bringing you up to date with the latest news of this iconic species and sharing the stunning scenery and wild landscapes we have missed so much these past interminable months, as a result of the COVID pandemic. Essential for the long-term survival of both black and white rhino are the 'Rhino Strongholds' we must secure in perpetuity if the rhino is to survive.This is our focus of our event and we do hope you can support us. A select number of items will be auctioned LIVE at the event. Our silent auction will close at 19:00 BST on Sunday 24th October.

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Rhino Strongholds and The Black Rhino Populations of East Africa

Wed, 22 September 2021

Like its cousin the white rhino, the black rhino once roamed most of sub-Saharan Africa, but today they are critically endangered with 95% of the population lost in the last 70 years.

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Hope for Kenya's Rhinos

Fri, 10 September 2021

Kenya is home to some of the world's most iconic species. But many of them, including rhino are vulnerable or critically endangered. Between May and August this year, for the first time ever, a full animal count was undertaken in the country’s biggest ever Wildlife Census.

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Rhino Poaching Increases as COVID Restrictions Ease

Wed, 04 August 2021

On Saturday 31st July, South Africa's Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment provided the latest statistics on the rhino poaching crisis in South Africa, and they do not make happy reading.

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Three New Northern White Embryos Produced

Thu, 29 July 2021

In another exciting step towards the future of the northern white rhino, three more pure northern white rhino embryos have been created by the global team of scientists and conservationists working to save the species. This time, they were also able to use sperm from a different bull, improving the genetic diversity of the embryos.

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Thu, 24 June 2021

There are now only around 27,000 rhinos left in the wild outside parks and sanctuaries, making rhinos one of the most critically endangered species on earth. Since the start of the 20th century, rhino numbers, which were at a healthy level of around 500,000, began to drop as human activity such as hunting and poaching impacted on their population.

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Exciting Northern White Rhino News

Tue, 20 April 2021

BioRescue creates four new embryos and braces itself for next steps of the northern white rhino rescue mission The international consortium of scientists and conservationists working towards preventing the extinction of the northern white rhino through advanced assisted reproduction technologies is happy to announce that in March and April 2021, four additional northern white rhino embryos were produced.

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Emergency Rhino Orphan Appeal

Fri, 16 April 2021

THIS LITTLE GUY URGENTLY NEEDS OUR HELP He’s just a few days old and he’s fighting for his life. Helping Rhinos received an urgent call for help from the Zululand Rhino Orphanage and we are committed to providing all we can to ensure he survives. The first few weeks of this little guy’s life are critical, he needs veterinary support, milk and round-the-clock care and protection to pull through.

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