
The Black Rhino: The Past, the Present and the Future

Wed, 26 June 2024

There are two species of African rhino, the black rhino (Diceros bicornis) and the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum). A huge rise in poaching for rhino horn and the steady increase of habitat loss over the last 50 years has decimated rhino populations in Africa with approximately 23,290 rhinos across these two species left in the wild today.

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Qhawe - The Lost Rhino

Tue, 23 April 2024

At the beginning of March 2024 a rhino calf was busy getting on with life, happily playing beside her mother in the bush in the province of KwaZulu Natal (KZN) in South Africa. Then poachers struck, brutally killing her mother and shooting her in the process leaving her bleeding and in pain beside her mother’s dead body. Hear directly from Zululand Rhino Orphanage manager Simoné Marshall-Smith on how she and her team worked tirelessly to save her.

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Poaching Increases in South Africa

Thu, 29 February 2024

Rhino poaching in South Africa rose by 10% in 2023 versus the previous year. While the numbers came as no surprise, it is a stark reminder that there is still a lot of work to do to overcome the rhino poaching crisis!

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Eyes In the Sky Drone Technology

Fri, 26 January 2024

We are thrilled that Eyes in the Sky programme is now expanding with the introduction of a state of the art drone. The deployment of the DJI M30T drone is a formidable boost to our Eyes in the Sky capacity in the Eastern Cape.

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IVF Rhino Pregnancy

Wed, 24 January 2024

We are thrilled to share breaking news from our partners at Ol Pejeta Conservancy of the world’s first successful rhino pregnancy from invitro fertilisation. As part of efforts by the Bio Rescue Project, backed by an international team of organisations, to save the northern white rhino from extinction, a female southern white rhino was implanted with an embryo created from egg and sperm donated by two other southern white rhinos. After 13 attempts this ground-breaking, and incredibly complicated procedure was successful, and the surrogate became pregnant.

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Our Latest Rhino Orphan

Mon, 15 January 2024

As 2023 drew to a close our project-partners at the Zululand Rhino Orphanage rescued another rhino orphan; taken in shortly before Christmas this orphan was the sixth rescued that year. He was brought to our partners at the Zululand Rhino Orphanage where he is being given round-the-clock care and following a few nervous early days has begun to settle well.

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Holiday Hope for Rhinos

Mon, 11 December 2023

Thanks to your incredible support during these past 12 months 2023 was a year of hope for rhinos, but our work continues. During December we'll be hearing from our project-partners on the ground how your support has directly helped rhinos this year and what we hope to achieve in 2024. We're incredibly grateful for the support that you have given us in 2023 and very proud of how that support has been channelled into tangible results for rhinos, but as ever there is more to do. Please consider donating to our Christmas Campaign and help us create Holiday Hope for Rhinos.

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New Rhino Orphan Rescued

Mon, 10 July 2023

Tragically, another rhino orphan has been rescued by our project at Zululand Rhino Orphanage, sadly, this time a victim of rhino poaching. Following an alert from a reserve in South Africa of a calf seen lying next to its mother’s lifeless body, the team sprang into action. With the reserve being a five-hour drive away, and a vet and helicopter called in to assist with the rescue, two of our carers immediately loaded supplies into the ICU trailer and departed for the long drive ahead. 

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Rhinos Under Attack - Help Us Defend Them

Fri, 30 June 2023

In the last week more devastating news has emerged from South Africa – the heart-breaking discovery of three rhino carcasses, a mother and her two calves, the youngest just four months old. This rhino family were poached and slaughtered for their horn, found with assistance from our ‘Eyes in the Sky’ pilot, with their faces senselessly hacked off at the Lalibela Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape province.

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Miracle Rhino Poaching Survivor Thandi’s Family Grows Again

Sun, 14 May 2023

The birth of a rhino calf is extremely important in the world of rhino conservation. At Helping Rhinos, every rhino counts which is why the birth of miracle rhino poaching survivor Thandi’s fifth calf, a male named Zolani at the beginning of April 2023, is cause for joy and celebration.

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