From the most vulnerable orphans to the most critically endangered rhinos in the world, Helping Rhinos is determined to secure a future for them. Raising life saving funds is no easy task, and we believe working closely with businesses large or small to create mutually beneficial partnerships, is one way that we can protect rhinos and make a real difference to endangered species.
Helping Rhinos is enormously grateful to all of our business partners who have given their time to help us generate essential income to protect critically endangered rhino and the wild landscapes in which the rhino, and a myriad of other wildlife thrives. We could not support our field projects without you!
Please get in touch with our team at to discuss how we can work together.
Become a business partner
Contact us to discuss the opportunity to become a business partner, selling branded products with a proportion donated to Helping Rhinos.
Download our fundraising pack to see how you can engage with your employees in fundraising for Helping Rhinos.
Ethical addictions
Sell Ethical Addictions Coffee in your shop or as your work office coffee supply. Proceeds are invested back into critical rhino conservation.
Support in Kind
Corporate support doesn't have to be financial. You can give invaluable assistance by donating your time or services, therefore allowing Helping Rhinos to create a lasting impact for the future of rhinos.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is a unique way for people to give regularly to Helping Rhinos allowing employees to give money directly from their pay, before tax is deducted. For further information please visit the government website.
Sponsor events
Sponsor Helping Rhinos annual event and enjoy complimentary access, brand exposure and other special benefits.
A specialist commercial participator agreement may be required for cause related arrangements.