

Fri, 24 June 2022

A new female calf was recently dramatically rescued and brought to the Zululand Rhino Orphanage (ZRO). The calf’s mother had been one of the victims of the devastating onslaught of poachers in the area, and after the rhino cow’s body was found, it took rangers over three days to find the baby rhino calf.

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Climate Change and Rhinos

Sun, 05 June 2022

With COP26, the United Nations summit on climate change in full swing we need to see ACTIONS from the world’s leaders who have gathered in Glasgow. There are some encouraging early signs with promises to eliminate deforestation and commitments to net zero - but it is time to fulfil those commitments and not leave future generations with yet more broken promises!

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The Future of the Northern White Rhino

Fri, 29 April 2022

Extinction and the preservation of wildlife in the wild is an area of increasing worldwide attention and with over 8,400 species of wild fauna and flora listed as critically endangered, encouraging attention and discussion towards supporting the restoration of habitats and ecosystems is vital. Time is of the essence in the race to save species, and we are focused playing our part to recover key species, including the northern white rhino.

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Expanding Critical Wild Spaces in South Africa’s Eastern Cape

Wed, 27 April 2022

Helping Rhinos is committed to investing in our planet, in particular by creating ecosystems and a strong biodiversity for the benefit of rhino and all wild species. A recent international donation of land to our partners at the Kariega Game Reserve is exciting and uplifting news for the future of conservation in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This very generous donation has meant that Kariega has been able to secure a critical piece of land for conservation that will lead to the opportunity for the creation of connected wildlife corridors within the Eastern Cape over time - and a key step in long term vision of the Eastern Cape Rhino Stronghold.

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Wed, 23 March 2022

On the 5th of March 2022 , a male rhino calf was rescued by Helping Rhinos project partner, Zululand Conservation Trust and taken to the Zululand Rhino Orphanage (ZRO) from a nearby Reserve. The calf, thought to be around three months old is settling in well at the orphanage thanks to the dedicated, round the clock care at the ZRO. The owners of the Reserve have named him Tweed in honour of their much-loved dog who recently passed.

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Tue, 08 March 2022

What started out as one man’s vision to help rhinos has become a conservation success. Since its launch in 2012, Helping Rhinos has grown into an international organisation, with its headquarters in the UK and branches in the USA and the Netherlands. Over the last ten years it has raised over £2.25m and has built partnerships and credibility in the field, making protecting rhinos in their natural habitat its primary goal.

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Tue, 01 March 2022

Every rhino counts. Never before has this phrase been more relevant than to that of the story of thandi, the first ever rhino to survive a poaching incident.

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South Africa Rhino Poaching Statistics 2021, No Cause for Celebration or Respite

Tue, 15 February 2022

South Africa announce their official poaching statistics for 2021 which show a decrease in the number of rhino killed by poachers compared to the pre-Covid period in 2019, but an increase of 13% from 2020. Whilst most rhinos poached were on government owned land, there appears to be an increase in poaching on Private Reserves . These figures highlight the ongoing threat of poaching to rhino despite the brief respite in poaching pressure during the lockdown restrictions of 2020.

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Rhino Orphan Trio Khula, Bhanoyi and Zimisele Return to the Wild

Fri, 11 February 2022

Helping Rhinos, in partnership with our project Zululand Rhino Orphanage (ZRO), recently released three rhino orphans back into the wild. Southern white rhinos, Khula, Bhanoyi and Zimisele (Zimi) had formed a close bond during their time at the orphanage and their release was one of both celebration and trepidation for everyone involved.

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Megan McCubbin Announced as Helping Rhinos Patron

Tue, 08 February 2022

Megan McCubbin, conservationist and wildlife presenter, has become a new Patron of Helping Rhinos.

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