Critical Facts
Human’s actions are having a devastating impact on the Earth’s ecosystems and habitats. A compelling UN report has revealed that one million plant and animal species are now at risk of extinction. This poses a serious threat to ecosystems that people all over the world depend on for their livelihood and survival.
Unprecedented human population growth across Africa is threatening wildlife habitats.
Environmental issues such as climate change is threatening wildlife habitats.
In both Africa and Asia the natural habitat of the rhino is being eroded as more and more land is claimed for human settlements and farmland.
Human encroachment is resulting in human-wildlife conflict and ever decreasing habitat for wildlife. If the carrying capacity for wildlife reaches its limit in these diminished wild spaces, wildlife will struggle to survive.
Protected and well-managed wild landscapes are essential to maintaining populations of rhinos and other key wildlife species.
What we have achieved so far
Some of the ways in which we are working to ensure a healthy ecosystem include:
How your gift will allow us to create and maintain sustainable wildlife habitats
We will work with our projects in the field to identify and implement effective land management techniques for the benefit of both wildlife and humans.
We will seek to create fenceless borders allowing the opening of natural migratory routes.
We will ensure that a healthy ecological and environmental balance is maintained on critical rhino habitats.
We will work with local communities to minimise human - wildlife conflict situations.
Donate to protect the last rhinos on earth