Marloes Hazelhoff
CEO Branch Netherlands
De reizen naar Afrika werden uitgebreid, en naast de liefde voor de neushoorn kwam daar ook de enorme drive naar boven om verschil te maken, en vanuit verschillende invalshoeken te gaan helpen. Marloes is daardoor gestart met vrijwilligerswerk in verschillende projecten, zowel direct met de neushoorn als juist met de gemeenschap en onderwijs met kinderen. De drang naar meer groeide. Zo ontstond het idee om vanuit een stichting te gaan werken. Marloes sloot zich daarom aan bij Helping Rhinos, waarmee zij onder dezelfde naam een Nederlandse tak heeft gecreëerd die in de opbouwende fase is.
Marloes was born in the far north of the Netherlands, and at a young age already had a great love for travel and nature. One of her favorite animals at young age was the rhinoceros. Marloes traveled the world at a young age with her parents, and partly because of family who live in Australia. This brought her into contact with all kinds of culture, nature and animal species.
After setting foot on African soil for the first time, Marloes was immediately captivated by this country, and the love for the rhinoceros continued to blossom.
The trips to Africa were extended, and in addition to the love for the rhinoceros, there was also the enormous drive to make a difference, and to help the rhino from different angles. Marloes has therefore started volunteering in various projects, both directly with the rhinoceros and with the community and education with children. The urge for more grew. This is how the idea arose to start working from a foundation. Marloes therefore joined Helping Rhinos, with which she has created a Dutch branch under the same name, which is in the constructive phase.